Typography can be creative – Magazine article in Canadian Art, Carl Dair, 1948
A five-page magazine article written and designed by Carl Dair where he looks at the state of typography in Canada as the country was about to move forward following the Second World War. Drawing upon his own work as well as that of students and professional designers, he shows how typographic design in Canada was changing. Dair also speaks about the problems in stimulating a new approach to design, one that is both functional and aesthetic, without slipping from the truly modern into the mere fad of the ‘modernistic’.
This article uses material from the first three booklets Dair had prepared for the E. B. Eddy Company. It should be noted that the page numbering in magazines was carried across all issues in a volume, resulting in unusually large page numbers, this issue is Number 4 in Volume V. This was also the fifth anniversary issue of Canadian Art; it is hard to imagine that in 1943, at the height of the Second World War, they would have been able to launch an art magazine.
Artifact Text
typography can be creative.
type families | type specimens | display types | texture | harmony | spacing | contrast | copy fitting | paper selection
a discussion | of design trends | in canadian | printing | by carl dair
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Title: Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
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